The Purpose of Life (Stephen Hawking)
The word ‘ Purpose of Life ‘. This is man’s own invention and need. Otherwise, it has no existence in the universe.
This is the human being, who wants to see ‘purpose’ in everything.
Even of his own existence and his being. Whatever he sees, says “what can be its purpose?” how can I use it? and how can I bring it to my advantage? etc. …
The concept of ‘purpose’ also arose in the journey of evolution of human consciousness. He spent millions of his early years without the concept of purpose (like animals). So the concept of purpose is created by human consciousness.
What am I, why? I have to live, so why? Actually, man wants to make his existence meaningful. It is necessary for his ego. is not useless.
No plant, animal, star or planet has any purpose. What is its purpose? It means that the universe itself is without purpose. Rain has no purpose. It is born under its own law of nature and it rains.
Now someone is fulfilling the purpose of fertility with it. Someone is distilling the “purpose” of its water by making canals, rivers, dams. Nothing to do.
The sun does not know what drama of life has been created here on earth by its light. Nature and nature are blind. It has no purpose.
It was man’s short-sightedness and selfishness. That he understood. “Creator” has created this entire universe for his “needs”.
Stephen Hawking writes.. Even if it is accepted, that God made all this for man.. then only one galaxy was enough for him too!!! Billions and trillions of galaxies cannot be seen. Therefore, the question of objectivity is man-made.
Another important point is that purpose begins with human life. We are born (blind) according to the laws of nature. Purpose is determined and factored into the interval between birth and death. I am the one who wants to see my life as purposeful.
All questions are created by us as human beings. And the answers are to be found by ourselves.
If at the time of death I realize that I have not lived in vain,
If one has contributed something or the other for the improvement of humanity, nature and natural environment with one’s abilities, energy, then a person will definitely leave this world satisfied without falling into any superstitions.