Most Powerful Emotional Psycho Mind Quotes of all the time

Emotional Psycho Mind Quotes

Emotional Psycho Mind Quotes

Nothing really cures heartbreaks, instead, time will teach u how to hold that pain on both ends without cutting you (Emotional Psycho Mind Quotes )…

Everyone is hurting, it’s just that some people hide it extremely well.

Yours and mine, A book that was never written.

Mine and yours: The story that Can explain why my heart is cold and empty… 🙁

That’s what life is about. People come and go.

Some people will read only one page from your previous chapter and be thinking that they know you!

People are people dear one, they’ll stab you and still blame you for being wounded.

Validate your own existence, don’t wait for people to validate it.

Pure foolishness is when one is constantly valuing worthless stones over diamonds… 🙁

Life will steal your smile if u are careless.

People who refuse to swallow their pride suffer terribly

Running away from your problems is only a temporary solution

I’m too tired to fight, she told him, walking away is the only thing left to do…

Thoughts are extremely heavy at night… 🙁

Sometimes it feels like my heart has a mind of its own

And the loudest noise I have to tolerate are my thoughts… 🙁

She’s learning to forgive herself because she was born to make mistakes, not fake perfection.

The higher her walls, the lonelier she became…

I want to become a better person, but I can feel that I’m becoming a bitter person instead, she said…

I poured my heart empty for u, that’s why I’m heartless… she told him…

She’s full of burn marks because she keeps playing with fire… 🙁

Wounds are temporary, scars are permanent.

Our journey: A journey that ended before it began.

Life: Our common opponent.


They are boasting about the size of their wings, how foolish! Because the secret of flying isn’t in the size of their wings but their flappings…

Love: The only glue u will ever need to mend the broken pieces of your broken heart…

Life gives you a pen without the eraser, make sure you don’t waste your ink!

A rotten heart affects your attitude and corrupts your soul.

Toxic people are exactly like fog, that’s why you can’t see the way because of their dangerous energy.

While others are sacrificing material things for people, others are sacrificing people for material things…

Just putting it out there, talk is cheap if your words aren’t aligned with your actions.

The more we are searching for simplicity, the more complicated everything gets.

Her world is collapsing because of one tiny error, if only she knew, her beauty outshines her flaw.

My soul is restless because my heart wants what my mind doesn’t want.

I just have this sad soul and happy personality in one body, it feels weird sometimes…

I relate to the homeless because they’ve lost their homes but I’ve lost people who were my home… 🙁

We are living in a world where Sadness is genuine and Happiness is faked!

The pain runs deep… Allah knows it is killing me…

To fight multiple opponents at the same time requires wisdom.

Mistakes are permanent, life has no eraser that’s why you have to use your ink wisely…

Once people’s true colors are revealed you will never be able to unrevealed them no matter how many times you try to repaint them… 🙁

Adjusting my sails, the wind has changed directions…

Remember If you’re easy to get… You’re easy to forget…

Words are exactly like a loaded gun, use them wisely…


Blinded by people’s words,that’s why we can’t see…

If u keep feeding your insecurities, they will swallow u whole eventually…

Going through a list of friends I’ve lost along the way, I don’t feel sad thou bcoz they brought nothing but headaches and heartaches!

Once the coin is tossed, someone is bound to be unhappy! Regrets!”

People will tell u believable lies… :(”

Those who judge a book by its cover have a tendency to jump to conclusions without going through the content of that book!

U shot me even when u saw I was unharmed…

Don’t hide your scars, Your scars are proof that I’ve outlived Your painful wounds… 🙂

You stop giving people chances when u see that they aren’t using those chances effectively…

When life changes, we all have to adapt to those changes…

Life, That one annoying person who keeps messing things up but fails to apologize… 🙁

The more I promise I’m happy, the more that I’m feeling alone… what now.

Instead of re-reading the same chapter, I’m choosing to turn the page and let whatever happens next happen!

Tough times aren’t here to destroy you, tough times are molding your character…

When people care, hearts are easily broken.. Lie enough, and you’ll forget the truth…

Don’t let the bridges you cross turn into the bridges you burn…

There was an era of the greats and now is the era of the fakes…

I’m addicted to the hurt and pain you’ve caused me, I need it to keep me awake like coffee…

So much to say but I’m just going to scream silently hoping someone hears me…

If only we could see souls instead of bodies… how different our definition of beauty would be…

I feel like a Foreigner in my own mind…

There’s no universal technique/method that must be used in order to survive, what works for u might not work for someone else!

Life: The only system that has never changed since the beginning of time…

If opportunity controls your loyalty, then test your character…

Brain: Time to feel sad for no reason…

A beautiful girl with gorgeous eyes, a hidden world of hurt and sadness…

Mood: tired of everyone.

Like the waves of the ocean, my mind is never stable…


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