mind your mindset is everything | aesthetic life | psycho life | Stories

refresh you mindset and move your life to succeed

mind your mindset is everything in
aesthetic life psycho life | Stories

The aesthetic life is going to tell you two amazing stories about mindset. How mindset can be so important in your life. So, keep your focus here and start reading this article.

Story 1

A research was starting, and they put a big tub fill with water near the bank of the sea. They put a big shark in it also put some other species of fishes with shark in the big tub. So, what happens the big shark suddenly attacks all kinds of fish species ate all of them. Now the researcher specialist changes the story and puts fiberglass in the tub and makes two parts one for a big shark and the other for a different type of fish species. So now let’s see what happens, the big shark tries and tries hard to eat the fish on the other in which the fiberglass is the barrier between them, but the shark cannot succeed.

So, the shark every time wants to eat them all but due to the glass barrier shark cannot succeed. At last, the shark skips to try again and considered I cannot eat them now. The mindset of shark become static at this that now he cannot eat them there is a barrier which is not allowing me to reach them to eat. So, he gives up. And the time comes shark doesn’t want to try again.

Now the experiment is a little bit change the fiberglass was removed by the researchers to see what happens now. And still, the shark doesn’t want to try again because of his mindset. He knows if I try, I cannot eat them all while there is no more glass fiber but due to mindset shark fails.

The result from the above story 1

This story tells us about the mindset. In the shark’s mind, the scene was fixed like a pattern that there is a barrier in the center of the tub, and he cannot eat them all. And this mindset cannot want to shark be succeed anymore.

This story is an example for us that whenever we face many times failure then in our minds also fix a barrier of failure that doesn’t allow us to succeed in life. And remind us that there is no way to be successful in life again.
So, don’t let failure be a barrier in between succeeding in your mindset. In life, success comes to those who are lucky. And we don’t have that luck. This is the man barrier that is fixed in our minds. Luck becomes a barrier and a person skips to try again.
So, remove this mind barrier and move to success and do try again and again don’t stop.

Story 2

Once upon a time, there was a camp for elephants. A person comes to this camp and saw an elephant who was a fast tie and bound with a chain rope. And this was amazing that the elephant doesn’t try to escape from this chain rope while this animal was capable to escape easily but he did not try a single time. The person gets amazed to see this scene and ask the master of this cam why this elephant is not trying, replied I tie this elephant from his childhood and now he become big his mindset become like this from his childhood so he doesn’t want to try again. The elephant tries hard in his childhood to escape but he fails and then skips to try again, he becomes more strong now but his mindset doesn’t allow him to try again.

The result from this story 2

Don’t limit your mind. If you are getting fail again and again, then prepared yourself to be better and try again and again. If you fail again and again and then you put and a barrier of failure in your mind, then you will not try again, and you will be in the limitation of your mind to fail forever.


The most dangerous thing in life is not to try again. Failure is just a process to succeed in life. Don’t fear for failure, fear not to try again.
Make a new start and refresh your mindset.

Thank you!

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