Stone currency. What is money?

Stone currency

Stone Currency. What is money?

How are large networks of human cooperation formed? How did the world become a global village despite the many conflicts with each other? The answer is very simple. money. in this Article you will know about Stone Currency. What is money?

Yap • isle of stone money or stone currency

You go to the store and buy a shirt. For this, the labor of thousands of people was involved. You probably don’t know any of them. They don’t even know each other. A cotton farmer, a farmer, a fertilizer manufacturer, a pesticide manufacturer, a sprayer, a cotton miller, a thread miller, a fashion designer, a shirt maker, Factory workers, their machine builders, truck drivers who transport it all, power dam engineers, oil extractors, shop delivery people, shop salesmen are just a few. Among them there are people whom you strongly dislike and who are enemies of each other.

But money binds them in a chain. Collaboration makes it possible and delivers the shirt to you. Everyone’s cooperation was made possible by money. But money, currency, wealth and wealth. what’s this? We get so used to it that we take it for granted. It’s just a concept. To understand this, let’s go to the Pacific island of Yap.
There is no gold or silver here, but hundreds of miles from the island, explorers living on Yap centuries ago discovered limestone. These stones were cut into large discs and loaded into their small boats and brought to Yep.

The real motive behind the first picking up of these stones and bringing them here is not known, but at some point the society of Yeap realized something that every society does. They needed a commodity that everyone in society could agree could be transacted through. The people of Yap used these stones for this.

Stones were used for large purchases and sales. In things like buying land, transferring inheritance. If I have this stone and stuck in difficult situations. If the crop is damaged or there is a shortage of something, I can fulfill my needs by giving stones to others.

This currency has another feature. It is very heavy. The big piece is heavier than a car, so how was it moved? There was a very simple solution. They were not moved at all. If a person wanted to hand over his stone to another, he would simply announce it. Everyone would know. The stone stayed there. The owner would change.
It didn’t even have to be on the island to be used as currency.

Once a big stone was being loaded into a boat. As they approached the island, a storm came. Meanwhile, this stone fell from the boat and buried in the bottom of the sea. The crew rushed back and told everyone what had happened to them. Everyone decided that this stone would also be used as currency. What happened at the bottom of the sea? It has been more than a hundred years since this incident. No one is alive to see this stone, but even today this stone is owned by someone and is bought and sold for the right to own it.

Is this island system weird? no. The world-wide system of transactions is no different. What happened when you paid your electricity bill online? What has changed in the world? Some bank account numbers were changed. Some of your account and some of the power company account. As if the rock at the bottom of the sea has become someone else’s. Everyone accepted it and the business of life continued.

From silver coins to gold in banks, from paper notes to numbers stored in bank computers, from island rocks to blockchain. This is the system of rupees, money, wealth and currency. A truth that everyone agrees on is a powerful truth. Without the illusion of money, there would be no trade, no cooperation, no development and no civilization.
These Yeap stones are still used as currency today. The attached picture is of one of his “Central Bank”.

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